The success of any company hinges not only on the people within, but also on the values and the culture they foster. These are the ideals that we hold close and that propel us to success:


Transparency and Trust

We believe that fostering a straightforward and trusting atmosphere for employees is vital in order to maintain a healthy business and drive innovation & performance


Ownership and Impact

Ensuring that employees have a sense of ownership over their work and pride in their contributions only leads to better overall execution



Dedicated compliance with gaming industry best practices and regulations — along with a supportive atmosphere that fosters individual responsibility and does not punish failure — ensures a desire for success


Win Together

As a company, we believe that inter-departmental collaboration and a set of common goals promotes a team atmosphere and a drive to succeed


Speed and Execution

We find that maintaining a flexible and driven team minimizes bureaucracy, increases individual ownership, and affords us the ability to drive fast and at scale